This website is proud to support by including the
"AMBER Alert" ticker provided by them for free. I encourage you to also support by getting the "AMBER Alert" ticker for your website, blog or social networking profile page. In
appreciation for the dedication of's efforts in their mission
to protect children everywhere and to further show my support for their mission, I am providing customized banners for the
"AMBER Alert" ticker for your website, blog or social networking profile page. If you would like a custom banner for your
"AMBER Alert" ticker, visit this page. is a leader in helping to protect children from dangerous
predators, but they need your help. I urge you to visit their website and make a donation through their
"Donate" menu link and/or volunteer your time and skills for this
very worthy cause. I also urge you to further support with
a button or banner link on your website, blog or social networking page. You may use any of the related button or banner
links I've made for them here by right clicking on the graphics and downloading them to your computer... Please do not hotlink.
• Attention Web Designers ~ is always in need of web and graphic designers. I
encourage you to volunteer your creativity and skills with a bit of your time. If you are interested in volunteering, visit their
"Donate" page here at for further